- Implementation of Climate Forcings (volcanic, orbital, solar, LUC, GHG) for Paleoclimate Simulations (500BCE-2000CE) in the COSMO-CLM (E. Hartmann, JLU)
- Chinese lockdown as aerosol reduction experiment (B. Geyer, Hereon)
Covid-19 induced lower-tropospheric ozone changes (M, Mertens, DLR)
Assessing climate change and extreme events in Germany simulated by COSMO CLM on convection permitting scale (M. Haller / DWD)
Scale dependency of extreme precipitation. COSMO CLM evaluation in anticipation to hindcast ensemble analysis (A. Caldas Alvarez / KIT)
Precipitation patterns for different circulation types over Svalbard and possible future changes (A. Dobler / Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
Regional Climate simulations over multiple domains with COSMO-CLM: Status of CORDEX simulations and lessons learned (S. Sørland / ETHZ)
- CCLM Simulations over Southern Africa - analyzing extremes in precipitation and sea surface temperatures along the coast (N. Tim, Hereon)
The regional ocean-atmosphere model ROAM in the framework of the DAS core service "climate and water" (V. Maurer, DWD)
- Using convection permitting climate models for evaluation of climate robustness of buildings (N.v. Lipzig, KU Leuven)
- Internal Model Variability in the Regional coupled System Model GCOAST-AHOI (H. Ho-Hagemann / HZG)
A sensitivity study with COSMO-CLM driven by ERA5 Reanalysis over Central Europe (M. Raffa / CMCC)
Structural Behaviour of COSMO-CLM Under Different Forcings (E. Russo / University of Bern)
Low-level Circulation, Moisture Convergence and Precipitation Biases in Regional Climate Simulations for Central America with COSMO-CLM (E. Russo / University of Bern)
Evaluation and understanding of atmospheric conditions over the Totten region (Wilkes Land, Antarctica) from a 5 km resolution COSMO CLM² simulation (S. Helsen / KU Leuven)
- Coupled reanalysis simulation for North and Baltic seas and DAS Basisdienst “Climate and DAS Basisdienst“ - slides - (J. Brauch / DWD)
User relevant climate change information from regional climate predictions and projections (H. Feldmann / KIT)
A classification algorithm for selective dynamical downscaling of precipitation extremes (E. Meredith / Free University of Berlin)
- Subdaily precipitation characteristics in convection permitting COSMO CLM simulations for Germany - slides (S. Brienen / DWD)