- Using convection permitting climate models for evaluation of climate robustness of buildings (N.v. Lipzig, KU Leuven)
- A 3-step approach to assess future changes of extreme precipitation events in a EURO-CORDEX model ensemble using threshold exceedances and recurrence intensities (C. Beier, BTU Cottbus)
- Characterization of unprecedented precipitation extremes based on episodic downscaling of a large CCLM ensemble (H. Feldmann, IMK-TRO)
- (Thermo)dynamical drivers of climate change in the Lake Victoria basin (J. van de Walle, KU Leuven)
- The soil moisture budget – should we take care? (R. Petrik, Hereon)
- Implementation of new stomatal resistance and photosynthesis algorithm in COSMO-CLM (E. Churiulin, University of Kassel)
- Evolution of 2018 to 2020 European terrestrial water resources anomalies from coupled COSMO-CLM-ParFlow (TSMP) forecast simulations (K. Goergen, FZJ)