Evaluation of a dynamical downscaling of ERA5 for the North Sea with COSMO-CLM at kilometer scale resolution (R. Borgers, KU Leuven)
- VHR-REA_IT dataset: a dynamical downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis at very fine resolution 2.2 km over Italy (M. Raffa, CMCC)
- Scale-dependency of heavy precipitation processes. Analyses of 8 extreme precipitation events in COSMO-CLM present climate simulations ( A. Caldas-Alvarez, KIT)
- Evaluation of extreme precipitation in convection-permitting climate simulations with COSMO CLM for Germany (M. Haller, DWD)
- Projections of extreme events on EU’s outermost regions of Canary islands and Madeira (M. Adinolfi, CMCC)
- Representation of precipitation and top-of-atmosphere radiation in a multi-model convection-permitting ensemble for the Lake Victoria Basin (East-Africa) (N.v. Lipzig, KU Leuven)
- Reproducing summer wind systems over the eastern Mediterranean by high resolution climate simulations (M. Latt, IMK-TRO)
- Mesoscale weather systems over the eastern Mediterranean by high resolution climate simulations (M. Latt, IMK-TRO)
- Tackling the Urban Heat Isaland Effect - Impact of Large-scale Greening on Vienna Summer Temperatures (M. Buegelmeyer-Blaschek, AIT)