CLM-Community Assembly 2021
20 Years a Model- The COSMO Story Behind the Scenery (U. Schättler, DWD)
News from COSMO and ICON (D. Rieger, DWD)
The new starter package for ICON-CLM including the runtime environment SPICE (B. Rockel, Hereon)
Addressing radiation and cloud uncertainties with the new radiation scheme ecRad in ICON (S. Schäfer, DWD)
A short evaluation history of the CLM Community Models(s) (K. Keuler, BTU Cottbus)
Limits of reproducibility and hydrodynamic noise in atmospheric regional modelling - side results from COPAT phase 1 (B. Geyer, Hereon)
Examining the model parameters of COSMO CLM in 11 selected extreme events over West Bengal (WB), India (S. Bal, FU Berlin)
Russian Arctic COSMO CLM hindcast 1980 2016: surface wind speed and temperature evaluation (V. Platonov, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Implementation of Climate Forcings (volcanic, orbital, solar, LUC, GHG) for Paleoclimate Simulations (500BCE-2000CE) in the COSMO-CLM (E. Hartmann, JLU)
Chinese lockdown as aerosol reduction experiment (B. Geyer, Hereon)
Covid-19 induced lower-tropospheric ozone changes (M, Mertens, DLR)
CCLM Simulations over Southern Africa - analyzing extremes in precipitation and sea surface temperatures along the coast (N. Tim, Hereon)
The regional ocean-atmosphere model ROAM in the framework of the DAS core service "climate and water" (V. Maurer, DWD)
Using convection permitting climate models for evaluation of climate robustness of buildings (N.v. Lipzig, KU Leuven)
A 3-step approach to assess future changes of extreme precipitation events in a EURO-CORDEX model ensemble using threshold exceedances and recurrence intensities (C. Beier, BTU Cottbus)
Characterization of unprecedented precipitation extremes based on episodic downscaling of a large CCLM ensemble (H. Feldmann, IMK-TRO)
(Thermo)dynamical drivers of climate change in the Lake Victoria basin (J. van de Walle, KU Leuven)
The soil moisture budget – should we take care? (R. Petrik, Hereon)
Implementation of new stomatal resistance and photosynthesis algorithm in COSMO-CLM (E. Churiulin, University of Kassel)
Evolution of 2018 to 2020 European terrestrial water resources anomalies from coupled COSMO-CLM-ParFlow (TSMP) forecast simulations (K. Goergen, FZJ)
Evaluation of a dynamical downscaling of ERA5 for the North Sea with COSMO-CLM at kilometer scale resolution (R. Borgers, KU Leuven)
VHR-REA_IT dataset: a dynamical downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis at very fine resolution 2.2 km over Italy (M. Raffa, CMCC)
Scale-dependency of heavy precipitation processes. Analyses of 8 extreme precipitation events in COSMO-CLM present climate simulations ( A. Caldas-Alvarez, KIT)
Evaluation of extreme precipitation in convection-permitting climate simulations with COSMO CLM for Germany (M. Haller, DWD)
Projections of extreme events on EU’s outermost regions of Canary islands and
MadeiraMadeira (M. Adinolfi, CMCC)
Representation of precipitation and top-of-atmosphere radiation in a multi-model convection-permitting ensemble for the Lake Victoria Basin (East-Africa) (N.v. Lipzig, KU Leuven)
Reproducing summer wind systems over the eastern Mediterranean by high resolution climate simulations (M. Latt, IMK-TRO)
- Coupled reanalysis simulation for North and Baltic seas and DAS Basisdienst “Climate and DAS Basisdienst“ - slides - (J. Brauch / DWD)
User relevant climate change information from regional climate predictions and projections (H. Feldmann / KIT)
A classification algorithm for selective dynamical downscaling of precipitation extremes (E. Meredith / Free University of Berlin)
- Subdaily precipitation characteristics in convection permitting COSMO CLM simulations for Germany - slides (S. Brienen / DWD)
- Subhourly rainfall in a convection-permitting model (E. Meredith / Free University of Berlin)
Regional modelling of aerosol impact on the West African Monsoon system (I. Gbode / TROPOS)
- MESSy on-line diagnostics in COSMO-CLM and ICON-CLM - slides (A. Kerkweg / Forschungszentrum Jülich
Mesoscale weather systems and their interactions with wind farms: A study for the Kattegat (J, Neirynck, KU Leuven)
Tackling the Urban Heat Isaland Effect - Impact of Large-scale Greening on Vienna Summer Temperatures (M. Buegelmeyer-Blaschek, AIT)