

The CLM-Community is an open international network of scientists, who accepted the CLM-Community agreement in all of its details. The Members of the Climate Limited-area Modelling-Community (CLM-Community) apply and develop the community models COSMO-CLM (COSMO model in CLimate Mode) and ICON-CLM (ICON Climate Limited-area Mode). The member institutions of the CLM-Community are partners in developing the model systems.

The CLM-Community agreement regulates the cooperation of the members, in particular the joint application and further development of the community models, and obligates the members to follow the rules of good scientific practice as formulated by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

All scientists working in the field of regional climate modelling and related areas are invited to join the community and contribute to the further development of the community models.

All community members are invited to get involved in the working and project groups, participate in scientific collaborations and improve the modelling systems and user support (provided by SUPTECH). If you want to get in contact with the working or project groups, please contact the respective WG/PG coordinator.

To ensure coordinated development of the model system, user support, and communication the responsibilities for the single tasks are clearly defined.
