Archive Assembly
CLM-Community Assembly 2020
14. - 18. September 2020, virtual meeting
CLM-Community Assembly 2019
17. - 20. September 2019 in Paestum, Italy, organized by CMCC.
CLM-Community Assembly 2018
18. - 21. September 2018 in Karlsruhe, Germany, organized by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
CLM-Community Assembly 2017
19. - 22. September 2017 in Graz, Austria, organized by the University of Graz, Wegener Center.
CLM-Community Assembly 2016
20. - 23. September 2016 in Lüneburg, Germany, organized by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.
CLM-Community Assembly 2015
29. September -02. October 2015 in Belvaux, Luxembourg, organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
CLM-Community Assembly 2014
02. - 05. September 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany, organized by University Frankfurt, BIK-F
CLM-Community Assembly 2013
27. - 30. August 2013 in Zurich, Switzerland, organized by ETH Zurich
CLM-Community Assembly 2012
17. - 20. September 2012 in Leuven, Belgium, organised by KU Leuven
CLM-Community Assembly 2011
30. August - 2. September 2011 in Cava De‘ Tirreni, Italy, organised by CMCC
CLM-Community Assembly 2010
01. - 03. September in Berlin, Germany, organised by Freie Universität Berlin
CLM-Community Assembly 2009
14. - 16. September 2009 in Karlsruhe, Germany, organised by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
COSMO CLM User Seminar 2008
05. - 07. March 2008 in Langen, Germany, organised by DWD
COSMO CLM User Seminar 2007
07. - 09. March 2007 in Langen, Germany, organised by DWD
COSMO CLM User Seminar 2006
09. - 10. March 2006 in Langen, Germany, organised by DWD
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