Different tools are available for the postprocessing of the model output and the analysis of the data. A short description of postprocessing methods can also be found in the COSMO-CLM-Tutorial.
If you use the starter package (subchain), some steps are already performed in the post job (e.g. separation of variables, creation of time series, ...)
ncdump and Ncview are simple and easy-to-use tools to get information about the content of NetCDF files and for basic visualization of the data.
The ETOOL, a basic tool for the calculation of some climate statistics, is provided by the CLM-Community.
CCLM2CMOR is a tool for climate model output rewriting of COSMO-CLM output to the CORDEX standard (see also additional information in RedC ). It is a joined development of several member institutions of the CLM-Community.
The NetCDF Operators (NCO) and the Climate Data Operators (CDO) provide many possibilities for the manipulation of NetCDF files (CDO also works for Grib) and the handling and analysis of the data.
Information about some additional tools is provided in the Tools section.
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