CLM Assembly 2020 (online)
CLM-Community Assembly 2020
Minutes CLM-Community meeting:
Recent developments of the COSMO-CLM system (B. Rockel / HZG)
Status Report COSMO & ICON (D. Rieger / DWD)
Evaluation of hindcast COSMO CLM simulation over Central Europe with respect to the representation of agricultural related extreme events (H. Zhang / University Kassel)
The reduction of systematic biases in soil-moisture limited regions of Europe by stochastic root depth variation (M. Breil / KIT)
Impact of urban canopy parametrization from TERRA_URB on air quality in urban regions in Germany (J. Fallmann / KIT)
High resolution weather and climate simulations for Moscow megacity with TERRA_URB scheme: the recent developments and new challenges (M. Varentsov / Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Assessing climate change and extreme events in Germany simulated by COSMO CLM on convection permitting scale (M. Haller / DWD)
Scale dependency of extreme precipitation. COSMO CLM evaluation in anticipation to hindcast ensemble analysis (A. Caldas Alvarez / KIT)
Precipitation patterns for different circulation types over Svalbard and possible future changes (A. Dobler / Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
Regional Climate simulations over multiple domains with COSMO-CLM: Status of CORDEX simulations and lessons learned (S. Sørland / ETHZ)
Analysis of precipitation at convection permitting scale with COSMO-CLM over Alpine space (M. Adinolfi / CMCC)
Changes of climatehazards in theLake Victoria basin (J. Van de Walle / KU Leuven)
Internal Model Variability in the Regional coupled System Model GCOAST-AHOI (H. Ho-Hagemann / HZG)
A sensitivity study with COSMO-CLM driven by ERA5 Reanalysis over Central Europe (M. Raffa / CMCC)
Structural Behaviour of COSMO-CLM Under Different Forcings (E. Russo / University of Bern)
Low-level Circulation, Moisture Convergence and Precipitation Biases in Regional Climate Simulations for Central America with COSMO-CLM (E. Russo / University of Bern)
Evaluation and understanding of atmospheric conditions over the Totten region (Wilkes Land, Antarctica) from a 5 km resolution COSMO CLM² simulation (S. Helsen / KU Leuven)
Coupled reanalysis simulation for North and Baltic seas and DAS Basisdienst “Climate and DAS Basisdienst“ - slides - (J. Brauch / DWD)
User relevant climate change information from regional climate predictions and projections (H. Feldmann / KIT)
A classification algorithm for selective dynamical downscaling of precipitation extremes (E. Meredith / Free University of Berlin)
Subdaily precipitation characteristics in convection permitting COSMO CLM simulations for Germany - slides (S. Brienen / DWD)
Subhourly rainfall in a convection-permitting model (E. Meredith / Free University of Berlin)
Regional modelling of aerosol impact on the West African Monsoon system (I. Gbode / TROPOS)
MESSy on-line diagnostics in COSMO-CLM and ICON-CLM - slides (A. Kerkweg / Forschungszentrum Jülich)
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