CLM-Community Assembly 2018, 18 - 21 September, Karlsruhe, Germany
CLM-Community (Christian Steger - DWD)
COSMO-CLM on its way to the next reunification (Burkhardt Rockel - HZG)
News about EXTPAR (Katharina Osterried - Center for Climate System Modeling)
News about COSMO and ICON (Daniel Rieger - DWD)
Namelist driven, tailor-made online-diagnostic and output control for COSMO-CLM using the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) (Astrid Kergweg - Uni Bonn)
Post-processing tools for generating project compliant climate model output (Fabian Wachsmann - DKRZ)
High-resolution modelling of the Greenland climate with the regional climate model COSMO-CLM (Melanie Karremann - KIT)
Improvement in the simulation of fine-scale atmospheric moisture through Data Assimilation and sub-kilometer grid refinement during a Heavy Precipitation case study. The HyMeX-IOP 6 (Alberto Caldas-Alvarez - KIT)
The IPCC 6th assessment report: brief overview and opportunities of the CLM Community (Allessandro Dosio - EU-JRC)
High-resolution project of climate change over Israel with COSMO-CLM (Eduardo Bucchignani - CMCC-Foundation)
Floods in small and medium sized catchments in the Eastern Alps simulated by RCMs from the hydrostatic to the convection-permitting scale (Heimo Truhetz - Uni Graz)
Conditional Evaluation of Regional Hindcasts from the MiKlip Decadal Climate Prediction System (Sascha Brand - DWD)
Reproducibility of regional climate simulations (Beate Geyer - HZG)
Clouds in decade-long convection-resolving climate simulations over Europe (Laureline Hentgen - ETH)
A multi-model evaluation and climate projection of extreme precipitation for Belgium. A micro-ensemble based on three convective-permitting models (Samuel Helsen - Uni Leuven)
Simulations of radiative-convective equilibrium (RCE) using COSMO-CLM (Linda Schlemmer - ETH)
Mountain volume control on deep-convective rain amount (Adel Imamovic - ETH)
Bulk and structural convergence at convection-resolving scales in simulations of summertime moist convection in the light of model uncertainty (Davide Panosetti - ETH)
Evaluation of convective cell characteristics in COSMO-CLM ( Christoper Purr - Uni Frankfurt)
Towards advances in modelling of heavy precipitation by synergetic use of convection-permitting simulations and state-of-the-art observations (Samiro Khodayar Pardo - KIT)
Urban climate Modelling using Local Climate Zones and COSMO - TERRA URB over tropical city. The case of Kampala, Uganda (Oscar Brousse - Uni Leuven)
The biogeophysical role of European forests: First results from the LUCAS FPS multi-model ensemble (Edouard Davin (ETH), Marcus Breil (KIT)
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