Recent developments of the COSMO-CLM system, Burkhardt Rockel (HZG)
Experiences with ICON-CLM and its starter package, Burkhardt Rockel (HZG)
Online diagnostics for the CLM-Community, Astrid Kerkwerg (Univ. Bonn)
Evaluation of an ERA-Interim steered EURO-CORDEX simulation with the regional ocean-atmosphere model ROAM1.0 and first steps in the direction of ROAM2.0, Jennifer Brauch (DWD)
Computational Performance of Higher Order Numerical Schemes in COSMO Model, Andreas Will (BTU)
Analysis of convection-resolving COSMO-CLM simulations for Germany, Susanne Brienen (DWD)
Atmospheric Moisture Effects on Deep Convection in the Western Mediterranean, Alberto Caldas-Alvarez (KIT)