WG AIO The Working Group ' Atmosphere, Ice and Ocean ' wants to foster the development of the coupling of the CCLM with regional ocean and ice models. | WG CCAR The aim of Working Group ' Chemistry, Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation ' is to coordinate the efforts done with CCLM and COSMO-ART. | WG CP In the Working Group ' Climate projections ' the community members contributing to IPCC AR5/CORDEX are closely connected. | WG CRCS The Working Group ' Convection resolving climate simulations ' is focusing on the special advantages and challenges of high resolution simulations. |
WG DYNNUM The Working Group 'Dynamics and Numerics ' aims to contribute to the further development of the system of the hydro-thermo-dyn. equations and methods of its solution in the CCLM. More... | WG EVAL The Working Group ' Evaluation ' summarizes efforts in standard evaluation routines and data sets. | WG SOILVEG The Working Group 'SOILVEG' provides a platform to discuss issues related to the land surface component of the CCLM model. | WG SUPTECH The Working Group 'SUPTECH' has taken the following Community tasks
PG ICON The Project Group ' ICON ' | PG OASIS Objectives of the Project Group 'OASIS': |