CLM-Test Home
The Climate Limited-area Modelling Community (CLM-Community) is an open international network of scientists working in the area of regional climate modelling and climate change. The members of the CLM-Community develop the regional climate models COSMO-CLM and ICON-CLM together, apply the models for a wide range of applications and collaborate in scientific projects. Together it is possible to achieve more than everybody could achieve alone. As an African saying goes:
"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together."
Overview of the CLM-Community. Start here if you are new. More... | Detailed overview of the people and instituions involved and the work, structure and regulations of the community. More... | All information related to the community model COSMO-CLM. |
Information about the new regional climate model ICON-CLM. More... | Information about events organized by the CLM-Community and other scientific conferences. More... | Publications, results and projects of CLM-Community members. More... |
News |
September 2022
July 2022
New Publication:
Ehmele, F., L.-A. Kautz, H. Feldmann, Y. He, M. Kadlec, F.D. Kelemen, H.S. Lentink, P. Ludwig, D. Manful, J.G. Pinto (2022): Adaptation and application of the large LAERTES-EU regional climate model ensemble for modeling hydrological extremes: a pilot study for the Rhine basin. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 677–692, 2022,
Heinemann, G., C. Drüe, A. Makshtas (2022): A three-years climatology of the wind field structure at Cape Baranova (Severnaya Zemlya, Siberia) from SODAR observations and high-resolution regional climate model simulations during YOPP. Atmosphere, 13, 957, doi: 10.3390/atmos13060957.
Maraun, D., R. Knevels, A.N. Mishra, H. Truhetz, E. Bevacqua, H. Proske, G. Zappa, A. Brenning, H. Petschko, A. Schaffer, P. Leopold, B.L. Puxley (2022): A severe landslide event in the Alpine foreland under possible future climate and land-use changes. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(87).
Moemken, J., B. Koerner, F. Ehmele, H. Feldmann, J.G. Pinto (2022): Recurrence of Drought Events Over Iberia. Part II: Future Changes Using Regional Climate Projections. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74, 262–279. doi:10.16993/tellusa.52
Mooney, P. A., D. Rechid, E.L. Davin, E. Katragkou, N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, M. Breil, R.M. Cardoso, A.S. Daloz, P. Hoffmann, D.C.A. Lima, R. Meier, P.M.M. Soares, G. Sofiadis, S. Strada, G. Strandberg, M.H. Toelle, M.T. Lund (2022): Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 2: The role of changing vegetation. The Cryosphere, 16, 1383–1397, 2022, doi:10.5194/tc-16-1383-2022
Russo, E., B. Fallah, P. Ludwig, M. Karremann, C. Raible C.C. (2022): The long-standing dilemma of European summer temperatures at the mid-Holocene and other considerations on learning from the past for the future using a regional climate model. Clim. Past, 18, 895–909,
Sofiadis, G.,E. Katragkou, E.L. Davin, D. Rechid, N. de Noblet-Ducoudre, M. Breil, R.M. Cardoso, P. Hoffmann, L. Jach, R. Meier, P.A. Mooney, P.M.M. Soares, S. Strada, M.H. Tölle, K. Warrach Sagi (2022): Afforestation impact on soil temperature in regional climate model simulations over Europe. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 595–616, 2022
June 2022
CLM-Community Assembly 2022: Deadline for abstract submission extended until 19.06.2022
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