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Regional Climate Simulations

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Burkhardt Rockel

CORDEX-COREBurkhardt Rockel2019ESGF Archive at DKRZhttps://esgf-data.dkrz.deCLM-Community CORDEX-Australasia

Burkhardt Rockel

CORDEXBurkhardt Rockel2017ESGF Archive at DKRZ CORDEX-Australasia
 Corrections ...
  1. pr (precipitation rate)
    Due to a post processing error all precipitation rates have to be divided by a factor of 24 to get the right dimension kg m-2 s-1.
    The following parameters may also be affected:
    evspsbl,mrro,mrros, prc, prhmax, prsn, snm
 Errors ...

tas for downscaling MPI-ESM-LR_rcp85_r1i1p1 has an error in the time coordinate from 2094 onwards. This leads to maximum of tas in the wrong season.


Burkhardt Rockel

CORDEXDelei Li2015/16ESGF Archive at DKRZ
 Corrections ...

  1. pr (precipitation rate)
    Due to a post processing error all precipitation rates have to be divided by a factor of 24 to get the right dimension kg m-2 s-1.
    The following parameters may also be affected:
    evspsbl,mrro,mrros, prc, prhmax, prsn, snm

Beate Geyer

Delei Li2013CERA


Beate Geyer

Beate Geyer2017CERA

GB0028Frauke Feser
Benjamin Schaaf2016CERA

HIRESAFFBirgit HünickeECOSUPPORTFrederik Schenk
High RESolution Atmospheric Forcing Fields

Ute Daewel

Ute Daewel2013CERA


Ronny Petrik

openFREDRonny Petrik2019CERA


Naveed Akhtar

ESMNaveed Akhtar2020CERA

High-resolution (~ 2 km) atmospheric simulations for the North Sea

Naveed Akhtar

ESMNaveed Akhtar2020CERA

High-resolution (~ 2 km) atmospheric simulations for the North Sea with wind farm parameterization 

coastDat - Regional Water and Matter Fluxes at the Land-Ocean Interface (coastDat-Land-Ocean-Fluxes)

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Hagemannetal 2020: Forcing for HD Model (JSBACH, MPI-HM) and HD Model discharge

Stefan Hagemann

coastDatStefan Hagemann2021WDCC Archive at DKRZhttps://cera-www.dkrz.de for HD Model (JSBACH, MPI-HM) and HD Model discharge published in Hagemann et al. (2020; doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00012)
EOBS and ERA5-River Runoff

Stefan Hagemann

coastDatStefan Hagemann2021WDCC Archive at DKRZhttps://cera-www.dkrz.de

Forcing for HD Model from HydroPy and HD Model river runoff based on ERA5 and EOBS22

HydroPy and MPI-HM simulation data driven with GSWP3 meteorological forcing

Tobias Stacke

coastDatTobias Stacke2021WDCC Archive at DKRZ

Simulations of the global hydrological models HydroPy and MPI-HM using meteorological forcing from the GSWP3 dataset for 1979-2014 (