Working Group: The Chemistry, Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation (CCAR)
Mariano Mertens (DLR)
Bodo Ahrens (Univ. Frankfurt), Ulrich Blahak (DWD Offenbach), Ernesto Caetano (Univ. Mexico), Emanuel Christner (KIT Karlsruhe), Andreas Dobler (FU Berlin), Christiane Hofmann (Univ. Bonn), Patrick Jöckel (DLR), Astrid Kerkweg (Univ. Bonn), Mariano Mertens (DLR), Anna-Leah Nickl (DLR), Daniel Rieger (DWD Offenbach), Gerd Schädler (KIT Karlsruhe), Bernhard Vogel (KIT Karlsruhe)
The working group CCAR is currently in deep sleep state. As soon as there is enough interest of the CLM-Community in the CCAR topics (Chemistry, Clouds, Aerosol and Radiation) we will wake up the working group.
WG Meetings
CLM WG Spring Meeting 2010