FPS LUCAS - Land Use & Climate Across Scales
The CORDEX flagship pilot studies (FPS) focus on sub-continental-scale target regions. The aim of the flagship pilot studies is to adress key scientific questions for the target region which are motivated by several issues. Meanwhile, a couple of endorsed FPS exist. One of them is called "Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales" having the overall objective to identify robust biophysical impacts of land use changes (LUC) in Europe on climate across regional to local spatial scales and at various time scales from extreme events to multi-decadal.
Model domain
Contributing partners from the CLM-Community
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | Merja Tölle |
Brandenburg University of Technology | Kai Radtke |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Marcus Breil, Gerd Schaedler |
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) | Paola Mercogliano, Edoardo Bucchignani, Mario Raffa |
Simulations performed or planned by the CLM-Community