Projects with contributions of CLM-Community members
Acronym | Full Title | Region | CLM-Community Member |
Klimawandel und Extremereignisse | Germany | H. Feldmann, A. Caldas-Alvarez (KIT) | |
Wasserstoff-Leitprojekt H2Mare | Germany | B. Geyer, A. Elizalde, D. Kovalevski (Hereon) | |
Nutzbare Lokale Klimainformationen für Deutschland - Useful local climate information for Germany | Germany | H. Feldmann, K. Keuler, R. Petrik, N. Samtleben, B. Rockel, M. Woldt, J. Pinto, J. Mömken, B. Geyer (KIT, BTU and Hereon) | |
| Multisectoral analysis of climate and land use change impacts on pollinators, plant diversity and crops yields (Youtube video) | Europe | M. Tölle (Uni Kassel) |
Acronym | finished | Full Title | Region | CLM-Community Member |
4D-Wolken | 2006 | Europe | A. Lammert-Stockschläder, now DKRZ | |
ABS-Hessen | 2012 | Anthropogene Beeinflussung des Sturmklimas über Europa und mögliche Folgen für die Region Hessen | Germany | G.C. Leckebusch (FU Berlin, now UBIR) |
2011 | Adaptation to Climate Change in the Alpine Space | Alps | E. Bucchignani (CIRA) | |
ACQWA (for COSMO-CLM) | 2013 | Assessing Climatic change and impacts on the Quantity and quality of Water | Rhone and Po river basins | A. Prein, A. Gobiet, H. Truhetz (UniGraz) |
2019 | Bringing Innovation to Ongoing Water Management | Europe | E. Meredith (FUB) | |
CADY | 2014 | Modeling Central Asian Climate Dynamics | Asia | B. Fallah (FUB) |
CAESAR | ???? | COSMO-CLM Analysed and Evaluated Simulations for the Alpine Region | Europe 0.22° | I.Anders (ZAMG) |
CHC-FloodS | ???? | Coupled hydrological - climate modelling of floods at small and medium scales in Styria | European South Eastern Alpine region (Styria) | A. Gobiet, H. Truhetz (UniGraz) |
CLIMAQS | 2012 | Improving simulations of regional- and local-scale secondary aerosol formation, the hydrologic cycle, and biosphere-atmosphere interaction processes. | Flemish Region in Northern Belgium | K. De Ridder (VITO), N. van Lipzig (KUL), S. Jongen, VITO, E. Brisson (KUL) |
CLME | 2011 | Simulation von Extremereignissen mit dem regionalen Klimamodell COSMO-CLM | Germany | M. Kücken (PIK) |
Consortial Simulations | 2008 | CLM regional climate model runs for BMBF funding priority "Research for Climate Protection and Protection from Climate Impacts" | Europe | M. Schubert (M&D) |
EastSiberia | 2015 | Regional climate reconstruction for Laptev-Sea and Lena catchment | East Siberia | K. Klehmet (Hereon) |
EXTROP | 2007 | Investigation of extratropical cyclones using passive and active microwave radars | Europe/NorthAtlantic | M. Zahn (Uni HH) |
2016 | Detection and Attribution of Extreme Events in Europe | Europe | Mathias Hauser (ETHZ) | |
2017 | European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessments on Seasonal and Decadal Timescales | Europe | S. Asharaf, S. Brienen, B. Früh (DWD) | |
2012 | Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the guanting watershed under limited water resources | China | Ch. Menz (PIK) | |
HighEnd:Extremes | ???? | The Future of Extreme Precipitation Events in the Alpine Region under High End Climate Change Conditions | European Alpine region | A. Prein, A. Gobiet, H. Truhetz. M. Piazza (UniGraz) |
HYDROCARE | 2007 | Hydrological cycle of the CADSES (Central, Adriatic, Danubian and South-Eastern European Space) regions | Europe | U. Böhm (PIK) |
LandCaRe 2020 | Regional climate model runs for the project LandCaRe 2020 funded by the BMBF within the research for 'Projects on the Protection from Climate Impacts' | Europe | A. Pätzold | |
Meteorological extreme events in Germany and related impacts. | 2012 | Meteorological extreme events in Germany and related impacts. | Germany | G.C. Leckebusch (FU Berlin) |
LandUse | 2016 | Interactions between land-use change and climate in northern Germany | Northern Germany | A. Hermans (Hereon) |
LOCLIM3 | ???? | Local climate of Istanbul, Nairobi and Cairo | Istanbul, Nairobi, Cairo | A. Walter (DWD) |
2016 | Mittelfristige Klimaprognosen - Decadal Predictions | Europe and Africa | Ch. Kottmeier, H. Feldmann, G. Schädler, H.-J. Panitz, N. Laube, M. Breil, Th. Engel, S. Mieruch-Schnuelle, A. Will, St. Weiher, A. Kerkweg, G. Gläser, K. Pankatz, B. Ahrens, S. Kothe, J. Tödter, B. Früh, S. Brand, J. Pinto, R. Haas, M. Reyers, M. Thuerkow, Ph. Lorenz, I. Kirchner, U. Ulbrich, A. Paxian, A. Fink, V. Venema | |
2020 | Mittelfristige Klimaprognosen - Decadal Predictions | Europe 0.22° | H. Feldmann (KIT) | |
NHCM-2 | ???? | Non-Hydrostatic Climate Modelling, Part II | European Alpine region | A. Csáki, A. Prein, A. Gobiet, H. Truhetz, M. Piazza (UniGraz) |
2019 | Erstellung von Einspeisezeitreihen der | Deutschland | R. Petrik, B. Geyer (Hereon) | |
PRIME | 2012 | PRecipitation In the past Millennium in Europe | Europe | S.Wagner (Hereon) |
Producing Regional Climate Projections Leading to European Services (CCLM-GPU) | Europe 0.11° | Europe | S. Soerland (ETHZ) | |
PRUDENCE | 2008 | Prediction of Regional scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining EuropeaN Climate change risks and Effects | Europe | B. Rockel (Hereon) |
QUIRCS | 2005 | Quantification of uncertainties in regional climate and climate change simulations | Europe | K. Keuler (BTU) |
2014 | Resilient Agro-landscapes to Climate Change in Tanzania | Africa/Tanzania | M. Büchner (PIK) | |
RECLIS | 2016 | REgional CLimate simulations for the use in climate Impact Studies | Europe | B. Früh, S. Brienen, A. Walter (DWD) |
REGCLIMOSS | 2009 | Regional climate modelling in southern South America for the Holocene and the 21st century | South-America | S. Wagner (Hereon) |
2017 | Regionale Klimaprojektionen Ensemble für Deutschland | Deutschland | C. Steger, J. Brauch, B. Früh (DWD); K. Radtke, K. Keuler (BTU) | |
RESTER | 2009 | Strategien zur Reduzierung des Sturmschadenrisikos für Wälder | Germany | M. Rauthe (now DWD) |
RiftLink | 2012 | Rift dynamics, uplift and climate change in Equatorial Africa | Africa | K. Prömmel (FU Berlin) |
Rhineland | 2009 | Large Scale Climate Changes and their Environmental Relevance | Europe | S. Brienen (now DWD) |
2015 | Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River | China | Ch. Menz (PIK) | |
TROPCYC | 2015 | Southeast Asia for the last decades | Southeast Asia | F. Feser (Hereon) |
???? | West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use | West Africa | M.D.B. Dieng, Cheikh Anta (University Dakar, Senegal) | |
2016 | Reconciling future food production with environmental protection | East Africa | L. Seregina (Uni Köln) |