

CORDEX FPS Convection Permitting Scales (CPS)

The CORDEX flagship pilot studies (FPS) focus on sub-continental-scale target regions. The aim of the flagship pilot studies is to adress key scientific questions for the target region which are motivated by several issues. Meanwhile, a couple of endorsed FPS exist. One of them is called "Convective phenomena at high resolution over Europe and the Mediterranean" and has the aim to analyze potential changes in the convection, especially extreme convective precipitation, due to climate change.

More information can be found in the experiment protocol for the simulations in FPS CPS and the minutes of the kick-off meeting in Triest in Novemer 2016. A webpage on CORDEX FPS Convection Permitting Scales is in preparation.

Model domains

Three domains with different regional climate properites will be investigated:

FPS CPS Greater Alpine Region (GAR)

The figure displays the domain which was distributed with the final version of the FPS Convection Protocol (Dec. 06, 2016). It illustrates the  location of the domain that must be coverd by simulations for FPS CPS (red box). The actual region (1E – 17E; 40N – 50N) for final analyses is indicated by the white box. In addition to the FPS CPS protocol, climate projections including urban parameterization will be performed for this domain by CMCC & CIRA.

FPS CPS LowLands

No agreement on a common domain yet.

FPS CPS East Med

The figure displays the preliminary domain for the FPS Convection Permitting Scales for the Mediterranean Sea.

Contributing partners from the CLM-Community

FPS Greater Alpine Region (GAR)

Brandenburg University of Technology

Klaus Keuler

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Hans-Juergen Panitz, Gerd Schaedler

Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

Merja Tölle

Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich

Nikolina Ban

Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG)

Ivonne Anders

Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA)

Paola Mercogliano, Edoardo Bucchignani, Mario Raffa

FPS LowLands

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research

Burkhardt Rockel

Goethe University Frankfurt

Erwan Brisson, Bodo Ahrens

Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

Merja Tölle

FPS East Med

Goethe University Frankfurt

Bodo Ahrens

Simulations performed or planned by the CLM-Community
