Forcing and External Data
Forcing Data
Forcing data in SPICE have to be netCDF (standard CF formatted) in the caf-files data form. These caf-files are the same as those used as input for the INT2LM in the COSMO-CLM starter package. Several datasets are available at DKRZ for members of CLM-community ( caf-datasets).
External Data
Before running a simulation you need files holding grid description, external data (parameters for orography, land use, soil, etc.), and supplemental data for the radiation module (e.g. greenhouse gas time series). An example has already been copied to your computer system into the directory ${SPDIR}/data/rcm
if you followed the installation procedure.
File example | Description | Comments | |
| greenhouse_gases | Directory with green house concentrations | Data for the following Scenarios are available: RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5, SSP126, SSP245, SSP245(4xCO2), SSP370, SSP585, 1pctCO2 |
icon-nwp/externals/ecrad/data | Directory holding supplemental radiation data. Set by the environment variable | For the ECRAD radiation code | |
Name mapping | dict.latbc | Mapping of variable names in boundary files to internal names. | Dictionary file which maps internal variable names onto NetCDF var names. This is a text file with two columns separated by whitespace, where left column: ICON variable name, right column: netCDF var name. This file is not needed for ICON into ICON nesting. |
mapping_to_cosmo.csv | Mapping of out variable names. Set by the environment variable | Must be in csv format | |
Domain settings | | Grid description of the ICON-CLM grid. Set by the environment variable | Can be created by the ICON Webservice | | Grid description of an imaginary parent ICON grid, needed for the radiation. Set by the environment variable | Can be created by the ICON Webservice | | | File holding the external parameters on the ICON grid. Set by the environment variable | Can be created by the ICON Webservice | | | File holding the description of the rotated grid onto which the ICON output is remapped in the post processing script. Set by the environment variable | Can be taken from WebPEP or COSMO-CLM * output. It must contain at least HSURF and FR_LAND, rlon, rlat, lon, lat, rotated_pole. You need to perform |
Names in italic are just examples. The user can define them.
The file is in csv format and can be created by any application that supports this format, e.g. Microsoft Excel. The delimiter between fields has to be a comma. Here comes an example snippet:
ICON name,Output name,A Output name,height,cell_methods,standard_name,A standard_name,A units
aer_bc ,AER_BC ,-,0,point,-,-,-
aer_du ,AER_DUST ,-,0,point,-,-,-
topography_c ,HSURF ,-,0,point,surface_altitude,-,-
lai ,LAI ,-,0,point,leaf_area_index,-,-
lhfl_s ,LHFL_S ,ALHFL_S,0,point,surface_downward_latent_heat_flux,surface_downward_latent_heat_flux;W m-2
pres ,P ,-,0,point,air_pressure,-,-
qhfl_s ,QHFL_S ,AEVAP_S,0,point,surface_water_evaporation_flux,water_evaporation_amount,kg m-2
t_2m ,T_2M ,-,2,point,air_temperature,-,-
tot_prec ,TOT_PREC ,-,0,sum ,precipitation_amount,-,-
In Excel etc. it looks similar to the table below. In the columns starting with "A" names for the accumulated or averaged versions of the variable are described. The averaged "A" variables are created by setting operation='mean'
in the according namelist stream in ICON.
ICON name | Output name | A Output name | height in m | cell_methods | standard_name | A standard_name | A units |
aer_bc | AER_BC | - | 0 | point | - | - | - |
aer_du | AER_DUST | - | 0 | point | - | - | - |
topography_c | HSURF | - | 0 | point | surface_altitude | - | - |
lai | LAI | - | 0 | point | leaf_area_index | - | - |
lhfl_s | LHFL_S | ALHFL_S | 0 | point | surface_downward_latent_heat_flux | surface_downward_latent_heat_flux | W m-2 |
pres | P | - | 0 | point | air_pressure | - | - |
qhfl_s | QHFL_S | AEVAP_S | 0 | point | surface_water_evaporation_flux | water_evaporation_amount | kg m-2 |
t_2m | T_2M | - | 2 | point | air_temperature | - | - |
tot_prec | TOT_PREC | - | 0 | sum | precipitation_amount | - | - |
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