

SAMOVAR (SAnity check for MOdel VARiables) is based on the idea of the SAMOA (SAnity check for MOdels of the Atmosphere) scripts developed at the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-TRO)at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

For the runtime environments SPICE and CCLM-SP the check was completely rewitten in Fortran.
The samovar.sh script only runs the cdo infov command and converts its output
into a csv file. It then calls the samovar program that does the check.

Only netCDF format is supported.

SAMOVAR is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

Usage in SPICE:

samovar.sh <input flag> <samovar.csv file> <logfile> "<file list>"

Input flag:
= T for original ICON output
= F for time series built in post.job.sh


A list of variables for each model level that do not pass the test to the logfile.


The samovar.f90 program needs the netCDF and fortran-csv-lib libraries.


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