Working Group: Support and Technical Issues
Astrid Kerkweg (FZ Jülich), Deputies: Andreas Dobler
Jennifer Brauch (DWD), Susanne Brienen (DWD), Ernesto Neto Caetano (UNAM Mexico City), Edouard Davin (ETHZ), Guy de Morsier (MeteoSwiss), Marie-Estelle Demory (ETHZ), Andreas Dobler (MetNo), Beate Geyer (HZG), Ha Hagemann (HZG), Astrid Kerkweg (FZJ), Klaus Keuler (BTU), Ingo Kirchner (FUB), Karin Meier-Fleischer (DKRZ), Mariano Mertens (DLR-PA), Myriam Montesarchio (CMCC), Katherine Osterried (ETHZ), Hans-Juergen Panitz (KIT), Daniel Rieger (DWD), Burkhardt Rockel (HZG), Ulrich Schättler (DWD), Silje Soerland (ETHZ), Christian Steger (DWD), Andreas Walter (DWD), Andreas Will (BTU Cottbus), Maja Zuvela-Aloise (ZAMG)
The complexity of the climate model systems, the CLM-Community is dealing with, is increasing more and more. On the one hand side, there is the well established COSMO-CLM model. On the other hand side, the CLM-Community is shifting to the new regional climate model ICON-CLM. Both systems do not only consist of the climate models COSMO-CLM or ICON-CLM themselves, respectively. They additionally require a pre-processor (INT2LM/iconremap), the pre-processor EXTPAR (via WebPEP), and further interfaces.
INT2LM / iconremap calculate the appropriate forcing data from large-scale, e.g. global data. EXTPAR provides the time invariant boundary data. Further interfaces are needed to convert data of global models available in different formats in INT2LM/iconremap-ready netCDF format.
Additionally, the starter package provides the environment to run a longer run-chain including pre- and postprocessing of the data.
Therefore, the CLM-Community Working Group (WG) SUPTECH has taken the following Community tasks
User training,
User Support,
Survey of documentation of code modifications, and
Maintaining CLM-Community specific needs in the "COSMO Standards for code development".
Responsibilities within the WG are distributed as follows:
Maintenance Homepage: Beate Geyer, Burkhardt Rockel
Survey of scientific documentation of major changes in CCLM: Andreas Will
COSMO-CLM code maintenance: Burkhardt Rockel
ICON-CLM code maintenance: Ingo Kirchner, Mariano Mertens
INT2LM code maintenance: Burkhardt Rockel
EXTPAR (EXTernal PARameters): Katherine Osterried (source code), Burkhardt Rockel (web interface "WebPEP" , Web frontend for Processing of External Parameters)
PPP (Pre-Pre-Processing scripts and programs): Andreas Dobler
Preparation of user training and training material: Burkhardt Rockel, Susanne Brienen, Kristina Trusilova, Merja Tölle
Users looking for help are asked to try to find support on the CLM-Homepage first. The WG SUPTECH has established a SUPPORT page.
Become a group member
You can join or leave the working group by editing "My Profile" in Member Management and will automatically be added to the mailing list when you join.
WG Meetings
Date | Meeting and Location | Documents |
2005/09 | Versionsabgleich des CLM/LM in Potsdam |
2005/12 | State and Prospects of the development of a LM/CLM preprocessor in Offenbach | |
2010/03 | COSMO/CLM Seminar 2010 in Langen | Minutes [18 kb] Minutes_WG_Preproc [5.3 kb] |
2010/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2010 in Berlin | |
2011/03 | COSMO/CLM Seminar 2011 in Langen | Minutes [16.5 kb] |
2011/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2011 in Cava de' Tirreni | Minutes [80 kb] |
2012/03 | COSMO/CLM Seminar 2012 in Offenbach | Minutes [34.9 kb] |
2012/05 | CLM-Community Technical Advisory Group web meetings | Minutes [825 kb] |
2012/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2012 in Leuven | Minutes [19.4 kb] |
2013/08 | CLM-Community Assembly 2013 in Zürich | Minutes [37.7 kb] |
2014/03 | COSMO/CLM Seminar 2014 in Offenbach | Minutes [96 kb] |
2014/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2014 in Frankfurt | Minutes [68 kb] |
2015/03 | COSMO/CLM Seminar 2015 in Offenbach | Minutes [53kb] |
2015/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2015 in Luxembourg | Minutes [68kb] |
2016/03 | COSMO/CLM/ART User Seminar 2016 in Offenbach | Minutes [80 kb] |
2016/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2016 in Lüneburg | Minutes [52 kb] |
2017/03 | ICCARUS 2017 in Offenbach | |
2017/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2017 in Graz | Minutes [56 kB] |
2018/03 | ICCARUS 2018 in Offenbach | |
2018/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2018 in Karlsruhe | Minutes [56kB] |
2019/03 | ICCARUS 2019 in Offenbach | Minutes [52kB] |
2019/09 | CLM-Community Assembly 2019 in Paestum | Minutes [60kB] |
2020/03 | WG SUPTECH webmeeting instead of ICCARUS 2020 | Minutes [553kB] |
2020/09 | WG SUPTECH Assembly 2020 as webmeeting | |
2021/03 | WG SUPTECH webmeeting | |
2021/09 | WG SUPTECH Assembly 2021 as webmeeting |
Date | Meeting and Location | Documents |
2012/11/08 | Meeting on external parameters 2012 Offenbach | Minutes [100 kb] |
Annual Report 2011 [33,8 kb]
Annual Report 2012 [69,2 kb]
Annual Report 2013 [94,5 kb]
Annual Report 2014 [328 kB]
Annual Report 2015 [124 kB]
Annual Report 2016 [112 kB]
Since 2017 all Annual-Report-Information is given in the assembly minutes.
Technical Test Suite
The technical test suite is in development and test phase. It will be made available later. Please contact Burkhardt Rockel (HZ Geesthacht) in the case you want to apply it already now.
Status of CLM-Community model versions is:
development version: version which passed technical tests and contains new model developments and corrections. It is shared with the model developers for further meteorological tests and acceptance of the implementation by the developers
test version: version accepted by the developers, which passed the development specific tests. It is delivered to those evaluating new model version.
released version: positively evaluated test version.
Former CLM-Community Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
The Technical Advisory Group was closed by decision on March 11, 2016 at COSMO User Seminar.
2011, November 9th, Meeting of the CLM-Community Technical Advisory Group in Offenbach (invitation and minutes)
2012, April, 18th, 26th and May 9th, CLM-Community Technical Advisory Group web-meetings (minutes)
2012, September, 5th, CLM-Community Technical Advisory Group web-meeting, Redmine (minutes)
= Working group members only; CLM-Community login required
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