Working Group: Soil and Vegetation
WG organization and responsibilities
WG coordinator: Merja Tölle (Universität Kassel)
Deputy coordinator: Mario Raffa (CMCC Foundation)
Website Management: Mario Raffa (CMCC Foundation)
Source code management:
TERRA: Jürgen Helmert und/oder Jan-Peter Schulz
TERRA-URB: H. Wouters
Community land model: E. Davin
Veg3D: M. Breil
Urban Model Intercomparison Project: H. Wouters (For more information, see below).
Bodo Ahrens (University of Frankfurt), Hermann Asensio (DWD), Jean-Marie Bettems (MeteoSwiss, Zurich), Marcus Breil (KIT), Susanne Brienen (DWD), Sam Vanden Broucke (KU Leuven), Edouard Davin (University of Bern), Matthias Demuzere (KU Leuven), Alessandro Dosio (JRC), Benoit Guillod (ETH Zurich), Sebastian Helgert (KIT), Jürgen Helmert (DWD, Offenbach), Heike Huebener (HLUG, Wiesbaden), Klaus Keuler (BTU Cottbus), Samiro Khodayar (KIT, Karlsruhe), Stefan Lange (PIK Potsdam), Matthieu Leclair (ETH Zurich), Quentin Lejeune (ETH Zurich), Nicole van Lipzig (KU Leuven), Stefanos Mystakidis (ETH Zurich), Emmanuele Russo (FU Berlin), Gerd Schädler (KIT, Karlsruhe), Pasquale Schiano (CIRA) , Sebastian Schubert (HU Berlin), Jan-Peter Schulz (DWD), Sonia Seneviratne (ETH Zurich), Wim Thiery (KU Leuven), Merja Tölle (Universität Kassel), Kristina Trusilova (DWD), Andreas Will (BTU Cottbus), Hendrik Wouters (KU Leuven | VITO)
The Soil and Vegetation Working Group Provides a platform to discuss issues related to the land surface component of the COSMO-CLM model. The main objectives of the Working Group are
to contribute to the further development of the land surface component and
to better understand the interactions between the land surface and other components of the climate system.
This requires close collaborations with other working groups.
The Soil and Vegetation Working Group usually meets twice a year:
once at the annual CLM-Community Assembly
once during the COSMO / CLM seminar in DWD Offenbach.
Ongoing Developments
List of ongoing model developments (controls: show for 'COSMO'-groups Whose name is' WG3b').
Date | Meeting and Location | Documents |
2020/09/15 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Digital Berlin (Germany) | |
2019/09/20 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Paestum (Italy) | |
2018/09/20 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Karlsruhe (Germany) | |
2017/09/22 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Graz (Austria) | |
2016/09/22 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Lunenberg (Germany) |
2016/03/04 | Joint WG3b / SOILVEG workshop during the COSMO / CLM Seminar, Offenbach (Germany) | |
2015/10/01 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Belvaux (Luxemburg) |
2015/03/04 | Joint WG3b / SOILVEG workshop during the COSMO / CLM Seminar, Offenbach (Germany) | |
2014/09/25 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Frankfurt (Germany) |
2014/03/20 | Joint WG3b / SOILVEG workshop during the COSMO / CLM Seminar, Offenbach (Germany) |
2013/08/29 | SOILVEG workshop during CLM Assembly, Zurich (Switzerland) |
2013/04/03 | Joint WG3b / SOILVEG workshop during the COSMO / CLM Seminar, Offenbach (Germany) | |
2012/09/19 | SOILVEG workshop falling on CLM Assembly, Leuven (Belgium) |
2012/03/05 | Joint COLOBOC / SOILVEG workshop during the COSMO / CLM Seminar, Offenbach (Germany) | |
2011/08/31 | SOILVEG workshop during the CLM Assembly, Cava de 'Tirreni (Italy) |
2011/02/28 | Joint COLOBOC / SOILVEG workshop during the COSMO / CLM Seminar, Langen (Germany) | |
2010/03/01 | Joint COLOBOC / SOILVEG workshop in Langen |
2009/03/11 | March 11 th - 13 th - CLM working group meeting in Langen |
2007/01/25 | January 25 th - 26 th - CLM Community Meeting on "preprocessing and soil modeling" in Garmisch-Partenkirchen |
Urban Model Intercomparison Project (URBMIP)
The regional non-hydrostatic climate model COSMO-CLM is increasingly used on the fine spatial scales of 1-5 km. Such applications require a detailed differentiation between the parameterization for natural and urban land uses. Since 2010, three parameterizations for urban land use have been incorporated into COSMO-CLM: Terra-URB (KUL), TEB (DWD), and DCEP (PIK). These parameterizations vary in complexity, required city parameters, and their computational cost.
The intercomparison project performs model simulations with the COSMO-CLM that are as similar as possible apart from their urban parameterizations. Currently, their performance has been evaluated for the larger area of Berlin (Germany) on a 1 kilometer resolution (Trusilova et al., 2015, in press in MZ). A similar experiment was setup for Basel (Switzerland), but this work is currently on hold.
2012/12 / | Workshop: urban parameterizing and COSMO-SVAT coupling, Offenbach |
Different Approaches
Description of the Mega City Project
= Working group members only; CLM-Community login required
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