Install Addon: Eva-Suite

Install Addon: Eva-Suite

Instructions for the spice - Installation

For all the work with the eva-suite, the python environment of your needs must be loaded. I.e. if you execute the command 'python' or 'pip' then exactly the versions of python and pip should be executed which you prefer. In spice the loading of the python environment is controlled by the settings in ${SPDIR}/configure_scripts/system_settings.tmpl. The python module is defined by the option PYTHONMODULE= . If you have any other ways to run the python version of your choice (different to 'module load'), please ensure that the console command 'python' is executing the version you want.

Before you run the installation of spice with the addon 'eva-suite', you should be clear about some other settings in the file ${SPDIR}/configure_scripts/system_settings.tmpl. RVERSION= and all other 'R' settings as well as CDO, NCO and NC settings ensure that you use the R version, CDO version, NETCDF binary version and NCO version of your choice for the installation and execution of the utilities executed by the eva-suite. GCCMODULE=  defines the gnu compiler used for the compilation of the R-library. EVASUITEVER=, EVASUITESOURCE= define the location to the sources of the eva-suite and should not be changed.

In addition, since Spice v2.2 the option ERA5_EVALTS_LOC defines the location of the time series of ERA5 data. This data are used to allow for an evaluation with ERA5 data and it is predefined on the levante - system. If you want to get this functionality also for your system, please copy the data from levante:/pool/data/CLMcom/CCLM/reanalyses/ERA5/diagnostics/time_series/global/daily/ to your own system and adapt the setting for ERA5_EVALTS_LOC.

Afterwards install the add-on eva-suite like so:

$ cd ${SPDIR}/configure_scripts $ ./config.sh -s dkrz-levante -a eva-suite

After installation process with spice, the sources of any Eva-Suite related data, libraries, scripts and configuration is located under ${SPDIR}/src/eva-suite Additionally, the experiment directory ${SPDIR}/chain/gcm2icon/sp001_eva-suite is created, which includes the basic scripts in the directory scripts and the directory scripts_eva-suite containing the settings eva-suite_settings, the run script eva-suite.job.sh and a tool to blend coordinates from model data with coordinates from reference data (examine_refgridcut.py). In addition, also the download of the EObs dataset (Version 23 in spice1.0) is performed. The dataset can be found in ${SPDIR}/data/obs/

If you have installed spice with eva-suite addon, you already prepared nearly everything to run the hereon-evasuite. However, there is one special thing you have to handle manually: you have to check the directory of the evasuite executable, which is automatically specified during the spice installation in the configuration file eva-suite_settings . If the executable is not specified correctly, the evaluation cannot be started. The evasuite executable is installed during spice-installation in one of the user directories because you often have no write permissions to system directories. To find out the place, where the evasuite was installed, look for a warning (yellow letters) in the loggings of the spice-installation (console). Add the location to your eva-suite_settings.

Problems during automatic installation of EvaSuite Package

As the installation is handled by python-packet functionality, dependencies of your installed libraries are analysed. Sometimes, some dependencies could not be resolved. Known from the German Weather Service, this warning message may appear:

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. sphinx 3.5.1 requires babel>=1.3, which is not installed. sphinx 3.5.1 requires Pygments>=2.0, which is not installed. psyplot-gui 1.3.0 requires fasteners, which is not installed. psyplot-gui 1.3.0 requires qtconsole, which is not installed. psy-maps 1.3.2 requires cartopy, which is not installed.

Check installation of eva-suite

For all the work with the eva-suite, the python environment of your needs must be loaded. I.e. if you execute the command 'python' or 'pip' then exactly the versions of python and pip should be executed which you prefer. In spice this is already defined during the installation by setting  PYTHONMODULE= in the file 'system_settings.tmpl'. If you have any other ways to run the python version of your choice (e.g. module load), please ensure that the command 'python' is executing the version you want.

After the installation of spice, you can print a short help to the terminal:

evasuite --help

To check the system settings for external programs:

evasuite -s

Check the interaction between python and R (needed to generate the 2D-plots). Type

evasuite --checkR

to check if the R-script 'plotmap' can be found by R or not.

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